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Week 1: Start of the New Year

The first week of 2020 was obviously featured around the celebration of the new year with visits from and to friends and family. Being away frequently there are not that many opportunities to catch up with them so this time of year has been a good period to do so.

Unfortunately it didn’t mean a holiday without work. In December five new projects were agreed (or close to agreement). The most substantial one is the development of model tender documents for PPP in Indonesia as agreed with the Ministry of Finance in Indonesia. A project that is scheduled to be implemented in 8 months and would require some 80 mandays of input including 5-7 missions to Jakarta. With K-infra dates were confirmed for a 10-day CP3P training to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to be delivered end of January. With the Rebelgroup a proposal was submitted to ADB to set up a financial facility to support PPPs in Pakistan and we have been selected as the preferred candidate. Final negotiations are ongoing and expected to be concluded any day. And just before Christmas a request was received from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) to provide a high-level review of a private initiative for a health-care PPP in Kenya, the so called Partnership for Primary Care (P4PC) proposed to be implemented in Makueni County. Only a high-level review, but still. Finally, on Christmas day a request from the General Secretariat of the Executive Council of Dubai was received to consider delivering an assessment of government entities in Dubai that are involved in PPP. Scheduled for end of March. With these new projects on top of the ongoing assignments in the Kyrgyz Republic, Georgia and Nigeria and possible further CP3P trainings it looks like it is going to be a busy year…..

The holiday period was used to schedule all these projects in the coming months. Not an easy task having to consider the due dates for the interim deliverables of the respective project, the availability of counterparts and where applicable local team members and last but not least the family calendar of social events. Luckily there is google flights to help review all the different options. A tentative travel schedule for the coming 3 months has been prepared and the flights for the month of January have been arranged, starting with Indonesia next week.

Most of the available time though was used for reviewing the Makueni P4PC initiative. An initial position is expected by client by 20 January and a file with relevant documents was made available encompassing some 400 pages. The private initiative is commendable aimed at improving health care in Kenya, though upon initial review some issues can be identified that require further clarification and a working note has been drafted accordingly. Before submission, some further thought will be given to the proposition and the recommendations.


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VandenBroek Consulting is a consulting and training boutique established in 2009 in the Netherlands encompassing the wealth of experience of its founder Marcel van den Broek, a Certified PPP Professional (CP3P). The company is specialised in Public Private Partnerships predominantly in the transport infrastructure sector including roads, rail, ports and airports.


Hoogeinde 59

5142 GB Waalwijk

The Netherlands

+31 6 22 45 21 89


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