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Week 17: My First Online Training

Finally after weeks of preparation I have started my first online training this week, the K-infra’s CP3P Execution Course. Made possible thanks to the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure. All together a group of some 15 people from the ministry and also the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and FMO. Most of them had also taken the CP3P Foundation and the Preparation Course with me though that was in the pre-Corona era.

I must admit I was a bit nervous. How would this different approach be received? Not the typical interactions during the entire day, including the breaks though only a few webinars during the week and my hours of training videos, reading and practice tests. How would all the new materials be received including watching me explaining the different topics for hours on youtube? I think the first impression was positive. Received some suggestions to speed up the pace in the videos so have to think about this when recording the next video. Also the first practice tests using Quizizz went OK. Made it possible to include a competitive element in the course which was quite motivating at least for most of the participants. All in all a good start though the entire course will continue for the coming 6 weeks so still a long way to go.

In addition I had finally been able to spend time on some overdue activities, in particular preparing a note on the design of a virtual library for PPP documents in Indonesia. Is it necessary, what should be included, how should it be structured, how should it be managed, and so on? Not my core expertise, information architecture, so I had to familiarise myself somewhat with the main principles of designing an information architecture and its critical success factors. Then again, with common sense thinking and being an active user of PPP libraries around the world, I managed to draft some initial recommendations to improve to information architecture for PPP in Indonesia. Awaiting now comments from my local partner and hopefully we will be able to submit a working draft to the Ministry of Finance, my client, this week.

So this week was a good week. A week with progress and results. And also a week where the first signs of light at the end of the tunnel became noticeable. Not only in the Netherlands though in many countries the first relief measures were introduced. Small steps and we are still a long way away from business as usual but still. Look forward to the coming weeks.

Stay Strong


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